Experienced bed bug technicians with proven elimination results.
Methods include heat treatment, crack and crevice injection, mattress encasements and more.
Thorough inspections to verify the existence of an issue.
Bed bugs have been a significant problem for homeowners throughout the Houston area for quite some time. They’ve developed a resistance to many DIY pesticides – contributing to their resurgence in the early 2000’s. Bed bugs are not a sign of housekeeping or sanitation issues, they will follow their human food source wherever they go. Infestations usually occur because bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and they travel from host to host until they establish a new home. From taking over mattresses and furniture to hiding within baseboards and wall trim, bed bugs need to be taken care of at the first sign of their presence. Holder’s has the expertise to provide the immediate and lasting results your home deserves.
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