18 06, 2015

Foods Pests Love

Ants, Food and beverage processing, Restaurant and food service, Rodents|

There are a lot of pests that want to invade your home or business. Some of them are only looking for a place to hide from the weather, but the vast majority come seeking food. If you know what foods pests eat, you can deter them from coming in, or in many cases, from sticking around once they've come in.

27 05, 2015

Flash Floods Bring More Misery For Houston Residents As Pests Relocate

Houston Pest Control, News|

The news stories coming out of Houston in the last 24 hours have been grim. Some are calling this the worst flood in a thousand years, and it has many residents fleeing their homes. But residents aren't the only ones fleeing. When waters rise, it forces wildlife and insect populations to flee their homes as well. Houston pest control experts warn residents to take precautions, to avoid pest related issues.

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