5 07, 2017

Don’t Let Mosquitos Run Your Resort

Biting insects, Blog, Lodging and hospitality, Summer Pest Control|

Now that summer in Houston is in full swing, it’s no surprise that we’re seeing a rise in mosquito populations. Since Houston is ranked as [...]

8 06, 2017

Houston Ranks Number 7 of Worst U.S. Cities for Mosquitoes

Blog, Mosquito Control|

While we were spoiled with some very warm winter days this year, those temperatures unfortunately result in some negative consequences when it comes to the [...]

27 05, 2015

Flash Floods Bring More Misery For Houston Residents As Pests Relocate

Houston Pest Control, News|

The news stories coming out of Houston in the last 24 hours have been grim. Some are calling this the worst flood in a thousand years, and it has many residents fleeing their homes. But residents aren't the only ones fleeing. When waters rise, it forces wildlife and insect populations to flee their homes as well. Houston pest control experts warn residents to take precautions, to avoid pest related issues.

11 08, 2014

How To Prevent Mosquitoes From Taking Over Your Yard

Pest Prevention Tips, Summer Pest Control|

Everyone loves summer! The barbeques, the beach, the campfires, but maybe not the mosquitoes.

10 09, 2012

WNV Requires Increased Mosquito Control In Texas

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

If you have recently turned on the news or opened the newspaper it is likely that you have stumbled across the latest in the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV). Texas, among many other states, has seen record numbers in humans affected by WNV this summer. Transmitted via mosquito bites, WNV is a serious concern for many and has even caused a number of deaths in the state. The good news is that with extra caution, you can protect yourself and your family from contracting this potentially dangerous virus.

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