9 11, 2012

Pest Free Baking Ideas For The Holidays


Be sure that when you are rummaging through the pantry to find the flour and sugar that you are carefully looking out for pantry pests. That’s right, if you are not paying attention you may very well be mixing in an unwanted ingredient.

10 10, 2012

Why You Don’t Want Crazy Ants In Your Houston Home

Ants, Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

Taking ants to a whole new level of nuisance is the erratic behavior of a species called rasberry crazy ants. Named after Texas exterminator, Tom Rasberry, these ants truly are crazy both in name and as a pest. While they may only be about 1/8 of an inch in size, there are many reasons why homeowners in Houston, as well as across Texas, do not want crazy ants problems and why they are doing everything they can to avoid an infestation of crazy ants.

25 09, 2012

Slithering Snakes Of Texas

Animal Trapping, Houston Pest Control, Wildlife|

A commonly feared pest to many Texas homeowners are snakes. These slithering creatures can be found all over the state including homes, farms, woods, and even in urban areas. And between the venom, the bites, and the constricting habits of snakes, it’s no wonder they stir up fear in most. So you are fully aware of what types of the snakes are lurking in your backyard, the Houston pest control pros at Holder’s Pest Solutions have some information on the common snakes found in Texas.

10 09, 2012

WNV Requires Increased Mosquito Control In Texas

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

If you have recently turned on the news or opened the newspaper it is likely that you have stumbled across the latest in the spread of the West Nile Virus (WNV). Texas, among many other states, has seen record numbers in humans affected by WNV this summer. Transmitted via mosquito bites, WNV is a serious concern for many and has even caused a number of deaths in the state. The good news is that with extra caution, you can protect yourself and your family from contracting this potentially dangerous virus.

23 08, 2012

A Tick Bite That Leaves You Allergic To Meat?

Houston Pest Control|

While animal rights and health concerns may not be good enough reason to go vegetarian, it seems there’s a new, more urgent necessity to go meatless. New research has linked a bite from the lone star tick to causing meat allergies.

10 08, 2012

Pharaoh Ants Causing Problems For TX Healthcare Facilities


We’ve all had a run in with a few ants around the home and while that is annoying, when ants and other pests infest healthcare facilities the threat level increases. Pharaoh ants are one of the most commonly found species infesting hospitals and other healthcare facilities in Houston and throughout Texas.

25 07, 2012

Are They Crazy Ants or Fire Ants?


When it comes to ants in your Texas home it is important to identify the species that you are dealing with. To ensure results proper identification is critical as ant treatment may vary by species.  In fact rasberry crazy ants, a relatively new pest problem in Houston, and Texas are causing a lot of trouble for homeowners and look similar to fire ants. While both are not good company to keep, they exhibit different behaviors thus requiring different methods of treatment.

11 07, 2012

Rasberry Crazy Ants Continue To Infest Texas Homes

Ants, Houston Pest Control|

There are several types of ants in Texas, however one that has garnered a lot of attention since its discovery in Houston in 2002, is the rasberry crazy ant. Unlike other common ants, the rasberry crazy ant is considered an invasive species which according to the Texas A & M’s website means “An alien species whose introduction does or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health...” and is known for its erratic behavior when foraging.

20 06, 2012

Keep Rodents Out of Your Texas Facility

Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

For many businesses one of the seemingly worst pest problems to encounter are rodents. Mice and rats can have a negative impact on your business’s image and reputation and should be avoided. For business owners in Houston, if your facility has seen any rodent activity or if you would like to stay proactive, Holder's Pest Solutions would like to offer some tips to keep a rodent free facility.

11 06, 2012

Traveling This Month? How To Avoid Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs, Pest Prevention Tips|

By now you may be aware that traveling is one of the easiest ways to come into contact with bed bugs. Whether you find them in the hotel room or they latch onto your luggage on the airplane, bed bugs are embedded into the travel industry. For anyone traveling this month, it is important that you learn how to avoid bed bugs so that you do not bring an infestation back to your Texas home.

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