16 09, 2013

What You Should Know About Tick Bites


If you’re a pet owner, there’s a good chance that you’ve come across a tick at some point in your life. But have YOU ever been bitten by a tick? Folks that have can tell you that it’s not a pleasant experience! Running your hand across your skin and noticing a little tick body attached is enough to give you the creeps, but don’t panic; the Texas pest control pros at Holder’s have a few tips for you when dealing with a tick bite on your own body.

27 08, 2013

Top 2 Carpenter Bee Prevention Tips


Many people have heard of bumble bees and honey bees, but have you heard of carpenter bees? These bees behave a little differently than the typical bees you see in your garden; as their name suggests, they will bore into wood. Carpenter bees in Texas can actually pose a problem for the structure of your home, but maybe not for the reason you would expect. The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s would like to offer you some helpful information in regards to carpenter bees and what you can do to prevent inviting them to your Texas home.

25 06, 2013

Tawny Ants In Your Texas Home

Ants, Houston Pest Control|

What are tawny ants? Maybe you’ve heard of them but called by another name: Rasberry crazy ants. These ants are an exotic invasive ant species that was introduced into Texas in 2002. Since then, they’ve been a very big problem for home and business owners across the state. They were first identified in Houston but have spread throughout southeast Texas and into Mississippi, largely thanks to the help of people, who are unknowingly transporting them in their travels.  The problem of tawny ants is getting worse, but there are a few things you can do to help limit them on your property.

10 05, 2013

Houston Pest Control Pros On Bat Exclusion

Animal Trapping, Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips, Wildlife|

Bats get a bad rep for their status as a pest inside of business facilities across Texas. Not only are they capable of causing damage to structures after roosting and leaving their urine and feces, but they can also transmit several pathogens. Bats in your Texas facility or any type of property where people congregate for that matter are a serious health hazard and should be taken care of right away.

27 03, 2013

The Ants You See In Texas

Ants, Houston Pest Control|

At some point or another you have probably seen an ant or two crawling around in your kitchen or maybe your bathroom. Ants in Texas are one of the most common springtime pest invaders because as the weather warms, their colonies become active again and that means thousands of hungry ants! While some ants in Houston are merely a nuisance, other types of ants pose a more serious threat. To help homeowners in our region better understand the types of ants they are likely to find, here is a guide to the most common ant species in the area.

14 03, 2013

The Termites Are Swarming In Texas

Houston Pest Control, Termites|

All this talk about termites swarming in Texas made us wonder, do you know what swarming termites are? For someone who has not experienced a termite infestation in Texas or anywhere else for that matter, the words ‘swarmers’ and ‘termite swarms’ may be foreign. So to help clear things up so we are all on the same page, the Texas pest control team at Holder’s Pest Solutions would like to share some information on swarmers.

26 02, 2013

Why Texas Pest Control Is Going Green?

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

Just as our society is going green with reusable bags, hybrid cars and energy efficient appliances, the vast world of pest control is following suit. Or should we say, the vast world of pest control has been going green for quite some time now. The reason that we are so into the idea of green pest control is because it benefits both those receiving pest control services and the environment as a whole.

20 02, 2013

Food Safety Modernization Act: What It Means For Your Food Processing Facility

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

Signed into law on January 4, 2011, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) is changing food safety laws. This means big changes for the entire food production industry including food processing and food manufacturing facilities. According to the FDA, “[The Food Safety Modernization Act] aims to ensure the U.S. food supply is safe by shifting the focus from responding to contamination to preventing it.” For food processing or food manufacturing facilities in Houston, it is important to be aware of the laws and regulations under the new FSMA and also how your commercial pest control plan is already helping.

21 01, 2013

The Noises You Hear At Night Could Be Rodents

Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

Do you ever feel like you are hearing noises at night? We’re not talking about the ordinary creaking of a house, the heating or cooling unit at work or even ones you just think you hear. When the lights are out and we are relying on our sense of sound, even the smallest movements or cracks in the home can often be heard loud and clear. And unfortunately in some cases, the noises you hear are the pitter-patter of little rodents (including mice and rats) running through the walls at night.

10 01, 2013

Here’s To A Pest Free Home In 2013!

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

With the beginning of a new year everyone is starting out strong in an effort to stick to those resolutions for a healthier lifestyle. Among the many popular resolutions are things like get to the gym more, eat healthier and save up for a vacation. But did you know that just as important as your own health is the health of your home? 

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