23 04, 2014

Tips To Prevent Roof Rats In Your Houston Facility


As a business owner, you know that one of the major keys to success is to make sure that the reputation of your Houston business is kept unharmed. Having problems with pests in your facility is a sure fire way to have your businesses’ reputation damaged. Nothing will make customers think twice about visiting your business more than pests, especially rodents and rats.

10 04, 2014

Why You Should Consider A Termite Inspection


Termites cause billions of dollars in damage to homes across the country. These pests are often referred to as the silent destroyers because they work unseen for months, or sometimes even years, before property owners notice them. Unfortunately, when most homeowners do find termites, they have already caused major damage. Because of their stealth-like ways, it is very important to consider getting regular termite inspections to protect your home and property from costly termite damages.

17 03, 2014

Houston Exterminators Share Strange Bed Bug Facts

Bed Bugs|

One of the more widespread pests in America is the bed bug. This dreaded creature is present in all 50 states, will be a nuisance to you throughout the year, and continues to be one of the most difficult pests to eradicate.

12 03, 2014

Why Pigeons In Houston Are Bad For Business

Houston Pest Control|

Pest birds can be dangerous, inconvenient and have an overall negative impact on businesses. Pigeons are undoubtedly the most troublesome pest birds for business owners and property managers. Houston pest control issues are magnified anytime there is an influx of these pest birds throughout the greater Houston area.

6 03, 2014

What You Need To Know About Ants In The House


We usually don’t look at ants inside our homes as a good thing. If you have ants in your Houston home, what does it mean? Knowing which type of ant you are dealing with makes all the difference. Some ants are just a nuisance, while others can be very destructive.

27 02, 2014

Houston Pest Control Tips For Spring Invaders


Spring is almost here, and in Texas that means pests are becoming active again. These pests can enter your home intentionally or accidentally, but you can take control by taking precautions in and around your home. It is common to assume that because the weather is generally mild in Houston, pests remain active year-round.

26 12, 2013

Prevention Tips To Resolve Pests In 2014

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

As 2013 comes to a close, we all start thinking about everything this last year has had to offer. If 2013 has been full of crazy ants, German cockroaches and other pests inside your home, we would like to help you in 2014! 

22 11, 2013

Have You Found Our Most Wanted Pests In Texas?

Ants, Rodents|

If you are seeing any signs of pest activity in your Texas home, contact Holder's Pest Solutions today! Mice, rats, crazy ants, and beetles are just a few of the common offenders. To successfully get rid of and keep out unwelcome critters, sign up for year round pest protection from Holder's Pest Solutions. 

12 11, 2013

Top 5 Reasons To Be Thankful For Pest Control

Houston Pest Control, Total Home Protection|

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Like us, you’re probably thankful for family and friends, food on the table and a place to call home. Throughout the year, our customers let us know through reviews and their comments that they are also thankful for us! Well, we appreciate your praise, so THANK YOU! After reading our reviews and comments from our happy customers, we’ve come up with the top 5 reasons why our customers are thankful for their home pest control services.

24 10, 2013

Roof Rats In Texas

Houston Pest Control, Rodents, Warehousing and distribution|

The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions would like to discuss a pest you don’t hear much about (but is very common): the roof rat. The rats in Texas that we encounter include the Norway rat, the Yellow-nosed cotton rat, the hispid cotton rat and the tawny-bellied cotton rat among others, but the roof rat is the most common in our service area.

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