

603, 2017

Creating Pest Management Standard Operating Procedures for Hotel Housekeeping Staff

March 6th, 2017|Lodging and hospitality|

Pest sightings and infestations have the potential to damage your hotel’s reputation. While the nature of the hospitality industry makes your business a prime target for pests, implementing a set of standard operating procedures around [...]

1102, 2017

Protecting Your Hotel’s Reputation from Bed Bugs

February 11th, 2017|Bed Bugs, Lodging and hospitality|

The high traffic nature of your business means you are a prime target for bed bug infestations. The unfortunate truth is that there is really no way to stop bed bugs from getting in. With [...]

2701, 2017

Preparing for Your Food Safety Audit

January 27th, 2017|Food and beverage processing, Restaurant and food service|

When the time has come for another food safety audit, your pest management program is going to spend some time in the spotlight. In fact, your pest control score can account for up to 20 [...]

1301, 2017

How Cockroach Infestations Begin

January 13th, 2017|Blog, Cockroaches|

Houston area residents are no strangers to cockroaches. In fact, in a recent study, Houston has one of the highest percentages of households reporting issues with cockroaches. Contrary to certain stigmas, cockroaches do not choose [...]

1301, 2017

Top Areas in Healthcare Facilities That Are Vulnerable to Pests

January 13th, 2017|Healthcare|

Healthcare facilities face unique challenges when it comes to maintaining a pest management program. With larger facilities come increased risk factors for pest infestations. More foot traffic, more food being served, and more space all [...]

1301, 2017

What a Rodent Invasion Means For Your Hotel

January 13th, 2017|Lodging and hospitality, Rodents|

A quality pest management plan is imperative to businesses throughout the hospitality industry. High amounts of foot traffic and a lot of moving parts increase your vulnerability to pest invasions. As the weather gets colder, [...]

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