The bee. Sometimes the stuff of horror movies, able to send people with allergies to them and even those without screaming in terror and waving their arms madly around them. The sting of the bee can certainly be an uncomfortable reminder that Mother Nature has her own rules. They can produce pain and swelling in the area of the sting. If you have an allergy though, the sting of a bee can be a serious danger. Pain, nausea, and closing of the throat and even death if someone has a serious allergy to the venom.

You can reduce your chances of getting stung by following a few simple guidelines! Be careful with sweet drinks outside, bees are attracted to them. Also, keep food and trash containers covered. When outside, wear close-toed shoes. Stepping on an unsuspecting bee can cause them to sting. Do not wear bright colors or floral prints, which can attract bees. Finally, be careful when mowing or trimming your lawn. These activities can aggravate a hidden hive.

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