13 09, 2017

Termites vs. Ants, What’s the Difference?

Ants, Blog, Residential, Termite Inspection, Termites|

Termites and carpenter ants can look almost identical to one another, and while both can be damaging, it’s important you know what you’re dealing with [...]

8 06, 2017

Houston Ranks Number 7 of Worst U.S. Cities for Mosquitoes

Blog, Mosquito Control|

While we were spoiled with some very warm winter days this year, those temperatures unfortunately result in some negative consequences when it comes to the [...]

19 05, 2017

Enjoy National BBQ Month Bug-Free

Blog, Residential, Stinging Insects, Total Home Protection|

As you may already know, May is national barbecue month. Although the month is coming to a close, barbecue season continues year-round in Houston – [...]

25 04, 2017

Answers to Your Commercial Pest Control Questions

Pest Prevention Tips, Residential|

National Pest Management Month Reminds Us of The Importance of Commercial Pest Control Got questions about pest control? We have answers! We pulled together the [...]

13 04, 2017

Forecast Calls for Increased Flying Pest Population in Houston

Flying insects, Houston Pest Control, Residential, Stinging Insects|

With warmer, wetter spring weather on its way, we can expect to see a higher than normal flying pest population this year. Houston’s winter weather [...]

17 10, 2016

Common Mistakes in Treating Residential Termites

Residential, Termite Inspection, Termites|

“Pulling back the curtains” can sometimes be a cool experience. Seeing how your favorite beer is bottled, learning how emails travel through space and time, [...]

4 10, 2016

How Rodents Affect Childhood Asthma

Animal Trapping, Rodents|

A common cliché in TV shows or movies is to depict a “nerdy” character with an inhaler in hand. Perhaps it’s to hammer the inaccurate [...]

1 06, 2016

Eliminating Mosquitoes – How to Prevent a Mosquito Invasion

Biting insects, Mosquito Control, Pest Prevention Tips, Stinging Insects|

As we recently uncovered, deterring mosquitoes in your own backyard can be a futile task. A massive infestation of uncontrollable mosquitoes, however, can also be [...]

1 06, 2016

Zika Virus Update

Biting insects, Houston Pest Control, Mosquito Control, News, Stinging Insects|

“The status of Zika has changed from a mild medical curiosity to a disease with severe public health implications,” said Margaret Chan, World Health Organization [...]

19 05, 2016

Alternative Mosquito Repellants

Biting insects, Mosquito Control, Stinging Insects|

The first mosquito bite of the year brings about a conflicting inner monologue. On one hand, you associate a mosquito bite with the coming of [...]

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