:blog two testing

Top 2 Carpenter Bee Prevention Tips

By |August 27th, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Many people have heard of bumble bees and honey bees, but have you heard of carpenter bees? These bees behave a little differently than the typical bees you see in your garden; as their name suggests, they will bore into wood. Carpenter bees in Texas can actually pose a problem for the structure of your home, but maybe not for the reason you would expect. The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s would like to offer you some helpful information in regards to carpenter bees and what you can do to prevent inviting them to your Texas home.

Tawny Ants In Your Texas Home

By |June 25th, 2013|Categories: Ants, Houston Pest Control|Tags: , , , |

What are tawny ants? Maybe you’ve heard of them but called by another name: Rasberry crazy ants. These ants are an exotic invasive ant species that was introduced into Texas in 2002. Since then, they’ve been a very big problem for home and business owners across the state. They were first identified in Houston but have spread throughout southeast Texas and into Mississippi, largely thanks to the help of people, who are unknowingly transporting them in their travels.  The problem of tawny ants is getting worse, but there are a few things you can do to help limit them on your property.

Houston Pest Control Pros On Bat Exclusion

By |May 10th, 2013|Categories: Animal Trapping, Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips, Wildlife|Tags: , , , , , , |

Bats get a bad rep for their status as a pest inside of business facilities across Texas. Not only are they capable of causing damage to structures after roosting and leaving their urine and feces, but they can also transmit several pathogens. Bats in your Texas facility or any type of property where people congregate for that matter are a serious health hazard and should be taken care of right away.

American Cockroach Dangers And Prevention In Texas

By |April 26th, 2013|Categories: Houston Pest Control|Tags: , , , , |

American cockroaches are a problem in many Texas properties and they can cause serious stress for home and business owners.  Also known as palmetto bugs or water bugs, they are approximately two inches in length and their large size makes a lot of people squirm! They are oval, normally shiny reddish brown in color with long and threadlike antennae and a pale brown figure eight shaped band on the back of their heads.  You may have them in your home or business in the warmer months in humid areas that have access to food.  The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions know the dangers that these bugs can pose, which is why we’ve come up with a few prevention tips for South Texas property owners to keep these large cockroaches at bay.

The Ants You See In Texas

By |March 27th, 2013|Categories: Ants, Houston Pest Control|Tags: , , , , |

At some point or another you have probably seen an ant or two crawling around in your kitchen or maybe your bathroom. Ants in Texas are one of the most common springtime pest invaders because as the weather warms, their colonies become active again and that means thousands of hungry ants! While some ants in Houston are merely a nuisance, other types of ants pose a more serious threat. To help homeowners in our region better understand the types of ants they are likely to find, here is a guide to the most common ant species in the area.

The Termites Are Swarming In Texas

By |March 14th, 2013|Categories: Houston Pest Control, Termites|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

All this talk about termites swarming in Texas made us wonder, do you know what swarming termites are? For someone who has not experienced a termite infestation in Texas or anywhere else for that matter, the words ‘swarmers’ and ‘termite swarms’ may be foreign. So to help clear things up so we are all on the same page, the Texas pest control team at Holder’s Pest Solutions would like to share some information on swarmers.

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