:blog two testing

Have You Found Our Most Wanted Pests In Texas?

By |November 22nd, 2013|Categories: Ants, Rodents|Tags: , , , , , , |

If you are seeing any signs of pest activity in your Texas home, contact Holder's Pest Solutions today! Mice, rats, crazy ants, and beetles are just a few of the common offenders. To successfully get rid of and keep out unwelcome critters, sign up for year round pest protection from Holder's Pest Solutions. 

Top 5 Reasons To Be Thankful For Pest Control

By |November 12th, 2013|Categories: Houston Pest Control, Total Home Protection|Tags: , |

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Like us, you’re probably thankful for family and friends, food on the table and a place to call home. Throughout the year, our customers let us know through reviews and their comments that they are also thankful for us! Well, we appreciate your praise, so THANK YOU! After reading our reviews and comments from our happy customers, we’ve come up with the top 5 reasons why our customers are thankful for their home pest control services.

Roof Rats In Texas

By |October 24th, 2013|Categories: Houston Pest Control, Rodents, Warehousing and distribution|Tags: , , , , |

The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions would like to discuss a pest you don’t hear much about (but is very common): the roof rat. The rats in Texas that we encounter include the Norway rat, the Yellow-nosed cotton rat, the hispid cotton rat and the tawny-bellied cotton rat among others, but the roof rat is the most common in our service area.

FAQs On Pantry Pests In Texas

By |October 10th, 2013|Categories: Beetles, Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Do you like to bake? If you do, you need to keep an eye out for pantry pests. Pantry pests can be a real frustration, especially when they infest your food cupboard. If you have just a few of these pests inside a product in your cupboard, you may end up finding them in other products too because they multiply fast. They can be found in even a spotless home and can be introduced into your home in several ways.

Are Those Red Ants Dangerous?

By |September 24th, 2013|Categories: Ants, Pest Prevention Tips|Tags: , , |

Have you seen those crazy ants in your yard? You can recognize them by the erratic and almost pointless way they meander about your property. You may see thousands of them crawling around an area outdoors, although they sometimes find their way indoors to forage. The South Texas pest control professionals at Holder’s have been dealing with these invasive ants in Texas for awhile now and we have a few tips to help you identify crazy ants on your property as well as prevent them from being a problem.

What You Should Know About Tick Bites

By |September 16th, 2013|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

If you’re a pet owner, there’s a good chance that you’ve come across a tick at some point in your life. But have YOU ever been bitten by a tick? Folks that have can tell you that it’s not a pleasant experience! Running your hand across your skin and noticing a little tick body attached is enough to give you the creeps, but don’t panic; the Texas pest control pros at Holder’s have a few tips for you when dealing with a tick bite on your own body.

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