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Bird Control For Your Houston Facility

By |April 10th, 2015|Categories: Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips, Services - Bird control|Tags: , , |

Pest birds can pose a serious threat to your commercial facility. Anyone who has dealt with pest birds including pigeons, sparrows and grackles can understand just how hard it is to get rid of birds. Not only are they an unsightly addition to your signs and exterior, but pest birds also pose many health hazards when they find a business facility for nesting. But the good news in all of this is that the Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions has the knowledge and expertise in eliminating the threat that pest birds pose to your business including your hard earned image and reputation.

Tips For Ants In The House

By |April 6th, 2015|Categories: Ants, Pest Prevention Tips|Tags: |

After a hard day (traffic, work, kids), have you ever dreamed about that piece of delicious chocolate cake that you left out on your counter? We’ve all been there, we understand. But, if you aren’t careful this spring, you may find that something else will have gotten to it before you - ants, that’s right ants! Ants are pesky creatures that will enter into your home and eat your food without any apologies. Now is the perfect time to implement changes around your home to ensure that ants stay out of it and away from your chocolate cake.

Cockroaches In Multi-Unit Housing

By |March 27th, 2015|Categories: Houston Pest Control|Tags: , , , , , |

It can be more than a little horrifying to go into your kitchen flip on the light and see scurrying little bugs head under your fridge or cabinets. Millions all over the world are faced with just this scenario every day. Cockroaches can easily survive anywhere but in warmer climates, like Houston, these resilient insects will flourish. If you are living in an apartment or condo the problem can quickly take on a life of its own with multiple units to hide in.

Food Processing Pest Management That Makes Sense

By |March 20th, 2015|Categories: Education & daycare, Food and beverage processing, Pest Prevention Tips|Tags: , , , , , |

Due to advancements in natural pest control and an increase in regulatory requirements food and beverage processing facilities are shifting from practice of responding to pest problems, to one that is proactive in preventing them. With modern Integrated Pest Management, facility operators are now able to effectively and safely keep pests from spreading disease and illness to the products they produce.

What Does A Healthy Hospital Look Like?

By |March 13th, 2015|Categories: Healthcare, Pest Prevention Tips|Tags: , , , |

A hospital is a place of healing, and it is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to provide an environment that is clean and safe. This is why more and more hospitals are turning to pest control companies that implement modern Integrated Pest Management strategies to solve pest issues. IPM is a cleaner, safer, and more eco-friendly approach to controlling dangerous germ spreaders, like cockroaches, mice, rats, pigeons, flies, and mosquitoes. This is what IPM looks like in a healthy hospital, courtesy of your pest care professionals at Holder's Pest Solutions who have been servicing the needs of the healthcare industry since 1947.

Pest Preparing Strategies For Houston Homes

By |February 27th, 2015|Categories: Houston Pest Control, Total Home Protection|Tags: , , , , |

Is your Houston home prepared? If you have not yet committed to year round pest control, spring is the most important time of year to get your home sealed against pest invasion. Even though the winters in Houston can be mild, and pests don't tend to overwinter, they still slow down when it gets cold. This slowdown can trigger their nesting instinct when temperatures rise again, and send them off by the hundreds, or thousands, in search of a place to build another home. This makes your home more vulnerable to infestation. Here are some tips for keeping them out.

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